
Friday, May 30, 2014

Buenaventura X

Here Tapaculo number 16 just flew into the net and has to be taken out again. Foto: Claudia Hermes

Just a snail

Foto: Claudia Hermes

Searching picture

Where's he? Foto: Claudia Hermes

Friday, May 16, 2014

Buenaventura IX

In Buenaventura you´re always going to be confronted with snakes. this onbe was lying on the path in the forest. All pictures: Claudia Hermes

we found this little baby-snake during the clean-up of the mud-slide pictured below

it somehow liked me and didn´t want to leave any more

Buenaventura VIII

Daily routine in Buenaventura: a mud-slide covers the road and impedes driving further. The road underneath got swept totally into the valley. All pictures: Claudia Hermes

The Beast

As always everything´s bigger in Ecuador. This caterpillar shouldn´t be touched at all. Burns like hell. All pictures: Claudia Hermes or camera of Claudia Hermes

Tapaculo II

Back in Buenaventura searching the dem El Oro Tapaculo. UNfortunately, my camera got stolen in Manabi by some jackasses. Therefore for now pictures from other peoples cameras. All pictures: Claudia Hermes or camera of Claudia Hermes

Attracting with playback

A completely banded Tapaculo

Here one can see how little the color of the Tapaculo is distinguishable from the background (=mud)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A. lilacina VI

The search for the lilacine Amazone is finished. now i´m going via Quito back South to Buenaventura to work another month with the Tapaculo. Here a picture of the Lilacine Amazone (Amazona lilacina).