
Thursday, December 21, 2017


Big jubilee: for 5 years I've been loading up stuff for you guys into this blog!
Out of more than 20 countries in about 350 posts. The blog has been accessed more than 26.000 times and keeps being non-profit. Seems as if you guys like it and this is good. The appreciation shows itself as well in the incredible 38 comments, hehe. As a reward some highlights. The one who can relate them all first gets an icecream (2 scoops)

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Andalusia II

Bouldering at the sea. What more do you want? (pics partly of Yannik Mödinger)

the art of sloping holds...


 Seems as if in Andalusia you have to look for the waves in other places


 It all started with the withered windwheel... (pics partly of Yannik Mödinger)

Climbing and lots of space at the beach came later