Option I: place yourself on a deckchair at the pool --> NO WAY, NEVER!!! No chance for this option!
Option II: You walk along the seemingly endless and straight beach until it finally gets more interesting
Then you encounter a climbing crag into which there could easily be bolted some 50 routes around 20m to 30m in height. Naturally, you want to see them closer so you cross the 'river' which later turns out to be a strait between two islands. 'Hah', you're thinking, 'done!'. But then there's the exhausting and dangerous approach to the rock over crumbling limestonerocks and through the bushes. And despite the all-terrain-highaltitude-fliflops you're thinking the first time: 'Why can't i just be a normal tourist and just for one day do nothing and be happy with lying at the pool?'
After your flipflop got stuck for about the tenth time in between the rocks and uncountable stones crumbled under the weight of your body you're reaching the crag thinking: 'Hah, that was easy!'. Then you can climb some routes on 'sight' in your head.
For the way back you're thinking to yourself: 'I'm not so stupid and gonna walk through the stones anymore!' and you choose the mangroves. After a while you're seeing yourself twisting and wiggeling like Bear Grylls through the roots and branches of the mangrovetrees and you start thinking again: 'Why the hell can't i just be happy sitting at the pool? Or be happy with just booking an all-inklusive holiday and do nothing all day?'. Then, after a while, you're reaching a village in which everyone looks at you totally astonished and probably thinking: 'What the hell is he doing here?'. And they're right.
There you go to the bakery and buy a bun with a surprisingly purple-coloured filling.
After that you go home.
There you see the pool as an option for the next day.
--> NO WAY, NEVER!!!
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