
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Well roared

Sorry no sound for the moment, I have to re-edit...

teasing-time in the afternoon II

well you know me, I couldn't resist in teasing it a bit...

Quito - Piñas

From Quito to the Buenaventura-reserve next to Piñas in 2 days - a motorcycledream on the Panamericana with a short detour through the Amazone forest.


How many people do you need in Ecuador to weld a surfrack?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Birds on sticks

We had the priviledge through our contact with Cesar Garzon to be able to have a look through the collection of the Museo Ecuadoriano de Ciencias Naturales (MECN).

Thats the way the drawers look over there: dissected and labeled birds on wooden sticks

the collection of endangered species

Three from the colección especial: on the left different species of Tapaculo, in the middle the Jocotoco, the heraldic animal of the der Fundación, who owns the Buenaventura-Reserve and on the right the Perico de Orcés, the parakeet of my thesis

Similar to this one, the Tapaculo is supposed to look like that I am searching with Claudia in Buenaventura until the end of january

The Lilacine Amazone (in the moment getting leveled up to species-status) that I'm going to be searching for three month in Manabi und Esmeraldas afterwards

Hannes (thesis with the Perico de Orcés), Claudia (my Tapaculo-boss), Cesar Garzon from the MECN and the other guy there from the Tapaculo-Project

Botanical Gardens Quito

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Company car

My work car for the next 5 month and the 3 mecanics that are getting it up and running perfectly. The day after it's going to have racks for my surfboards and then I'm heading South.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Trapped in Quito: here in Ecuador you have to register your visa. At least it only takes 5 days. Well, if I have to be here anyway I had a look at the city.

On top of the tower of the munster in Freiburg the highest gothic granit concrete-church of Quito

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


For the 3rd birthday of my wild 13, after more than 100.000km of travels on four continents, 15 flights, countless drives in busses, trains, cars, on trucks, motor- and pushbikes, skateboards, with ferrys, boats and canoes, after 5 snapped leashes and the board therefore into the rocks, after 4 people were sitting on the rails on a bumpy busride (Philippines), after it flew off the bemo with 60km/h (Philippines aswell), after the bike fell on it (damn, Philippines again), countless wipe-outs, over-the-falls, contacts ith the reef, river-, beach- and reefwaves, contests, shapecamps and most of all maaaany hours inthe surf in small, big, flat, hollow, relaxed and dangerous waves it was time for the 100.000km- check before going to Ecuador. Fixed the epoxy on the rails and polished it for the nice shine. Ready.