We had the priviledge through our contact with Cesar Garzon to be able to have a look through the collection of the Museo Ecuadoriano de Ciencias Naturales (MECN).
Thats the way the drawers look over there: dissected and labeled birds on wooden sticks
the collection of endangered species
Three from the colección especial: on the left different species of Tapaculo, in the middle the Jocotoco, the heraldic animal of the der Fundación, who owns the Buenaventura-Reserve and on the right the Perico de Orcés, the parakeet of my thesis
Similar to this one, the Tapaculo is supposed to look like that I am searching with Claudia in Buenaventura until the end of january
The Lilacine Amazone (in the moment getting leveled up to species-status) that I'm going to be searching for three month in Manabi und Esmeraldas afterwards
Hannes (thesis with the Perico de Orcés), Claudia (my Tapaculo-boss), Cesar Garzon from the MECN and the other guy there from the Tapaculo-Project
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